I made a echidna sort of thing. I used a ball, pieces of paper, google eyes, a bracelet, and tape. It's in a circle, so you tape the piece of paper onto the bracelet (and it has a paper clip), and you tape the tail on too, and then you tape the google eyes on and the paper clip on, you turn one of the google eyes upside down, and then you made it. I'll put a picture on here.
And I made a smacker-ma-jigger. It is made out of clothespins, a hairband, a pencil, and tape. And you can hit people with it, when you are very mad -- but I don't do that.
And, I had lice. I HATED the treatment. And it smelled like very very gross perfume and you couldn't breathe, so you needed to put snorkle goggles on yourself and since you couldn't breathe, it's like onions.