Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Store I went to

Today I went to a store and it was a coffee store and there was a big chair and I forgot it was a big chair and I fell off and I was holding a cup of hot chocolate and it spilled on my hair but I didn't drop the glass, and that was good.  So it wasn't a big BIG mess.  And then I got to eat pancakes.  And that is my story about the store I went to. 

And there was a water fountain and it sprayed up so I put my face near it and it sprayed my face!  And then I did not have a good day.  But the only thing good was that I got to eat pancakes.  And that is the end of my story of the very bad day.  Goodbye.  



Bonnie M. said...

Hi Ripley,

I'm sorry to hear about the too big chair. Hot chocolate in your hair... yuck. I wonder if it will be hard to shampoo out?

The fountain sounds like it could have been fun... it was raining and chilly here today. It sounds like the summer weather there... is fun (playing in a fountain - wow!)

I love you smiley, pretty girl,

Aunt Heidi said...

Hi Ripley,
It was wonderful to talk to you on the phone! I hope you had a fabulous birthday. We missed being there and sharing it with you! Remember when you had a half birthday and didn't want anyone else to eat the cupcakes?!! That was so funny! How are your earrings doing? Here we are getting ready for the New Year--you will get to celebrate it first! We love you all! Aunt Heidi