Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Windy Day

At the beach, it was sooo windy, there was a place where you go down and there were little holes so the ocean can be big and can splash your feet so we had fun on that.  It was our first family bike ride, since my mom got a bike, but she didn't like it so we needed to go back home, then go to the bike shop and my dad rode on my mom's bike, and my mom drove us and it was my mom's first drive in Australia without a grownup in the car.

We were going to the beach and there were lots of dogs at the beach, it was like a dog beach, and I was trying to make the boogie board go down, but the rocks didn't really do anything, but then a dog came up to me and he was just standing there.  And it was 8 o'clock at night and it was as crowded as the middle of the day, and it was so hot that people needed to bring their dogs, since the dogs would go under the water then shake it out with the person.  We tried to go to the milk bar, but the milk bar was closed (a milk bar is a somewhere where you buy ice cream and milk and candy).  


Dana said...

Dear Ripley,

It's been pretty windy here too! I wonder what the temperature is where you live. We've had no days when we needed a dog to spray us with water in order to cool down.

I so wish that I were bike-riding with you! It must've been pretty hard riding in the wind. Did you almost get blown over?

Good luck sinking the boogie board.

Sending happy thoughts your way,


Ripley said...

Dear Dana,

I do not know what the temperature was, but I do know that I did not get blown over. Today was 86 degrees, but I don't know what was yesterday's.

: )

Nancy Enoch said...

Dear Ripley,

How nice for that dog to come over to you and spend time letting you give pats. It must have known that you are kind and gentle.

Why were you trying to sink the boogie board? I wonder what kinds of rocks you were using. I don't know very much about Australian rocks.


grandma said...

Dearest Ripley, I loved the picture of you and Casey at the beach. We have had warm weather here but it has not been HOT! It must have been fun putting your feet in the water--and that must have cooled you off!
What was wrong with Mom's bike? She told us that she had tried to drive and was going to do that again. I guess it was good that she could drive to the beach by herself. It is definitely tricky learning to drive on the opposite side of the road.
The dog beach sounds like something TAZ would love. It must have been fun to have that nice dog come and play with you. Grandpa plays with TAZ in the back yard and he gets to run around. Sometimes he takes him in the front of the house and plays with him.
You certainly are doing so many fun things on your summer vacation. We will talk to you on SKYPE soon! Lots of hugs and xx, Grandma

delightful_trinkets said...

Hi Ripley!
I miss you dearly! You have to visit my blog and see my Hello Kitty image. I am

Love to you and your family! Say hi too!

xoxo, Ivy (Enzo's Mommy)

Aunt Heidi said...

Hi Ripley,
It was great to see you on Skype! I love your house and I'm sending you a package this week for your room. We miss you a ton but it's almost like being with you when we can see you jumping around. I hope that all your neighborhood parties were fun. Love, Aunt Heidi